Thursday, October 31, 2013

You can't kill the boogeyman.

Happy Halloween everyone! I've been pretty much absent from this blog since my first post. I started school again (my senior year) and things have been ridiculously busy. I'm going to do my best to try and keep up with this at least semi-regularly from now on, though. And there's no better time to get re-started than Halloween!

Halloween is probably my favorite holiday since I'm so into anything creepy and scary. This week I've been on a horror movie binge to get me more in the mood. I woke up this morning super excited that I actually had a valid reason to wear my skeleton tights. Although who needs a REAL reason to wear these?! They're so cool!

I wanted to style them so that they didn't look too tacky or costume-y and I think I did a pretty good job. This is definitely an outfit that I'd wear on any regular day, Halloween or not. But hey, maybe I'm just a weirdo.

Anyways, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing a screening of Rocky Horror on my school's campus! I'm really excited since no Halloween season is complete without watching it at least once, and sadly this will only be my first time to do so this season! I really want to go somewhere that has a creepy Halloween drink special that's like green or steaming or something cool, but since I live in a super small town, not to mention in a dry country (gross), that probably won't be happening. I suppose I'll just have to make up for it by drinking wine and watching Silence of the Lambs instead. No fava beans and chianti tonight, just two buck chuck and some pumpkin seeds ;) I might even be going to a cemetery though, we'll see. I just feel like doing all of the creepy Halloween festivities!

Tell me what you're doing/wearing for Halloween!